Welcome Summer! 6 ways to Prioritize Your Wellbeing
Getting in shape isn’t something you can do instantly. It should be done gradually, in a healthy manner that takes your overall wellness...

9 Steps to Financial Fitness in the 4th Quarter
Welcome October and now we're in the last quarter of the year, Autumn is "almost" in the air. No more putting off your Spring cleaning. ...

You have a choice when to pay income taxes: Now, Later or Never
You have three choices of how you can pay income taxes on savings/investment accounts. Tax Now - Tax Later - Tax Never. Learn to...

4 Easy Weekend Workouts To Increase Your Financial Fitness
Consider Financial Fitness to be just like physical fitness. Why? Because your physical health and your financial health are arguably...

You have a choice when to pay income taxes: Now, Later or Never
You have three choices of how you can pay income taxes on savings/investment accounts. Tax Now - Tax Later - Tax Never. Learn to...

Becoming A Millionaire
BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE - BE FIT FINANCIALLY It may surprise you how quickly you can accumulate a million dollars. Here are two examples...

5 Simple Steps to Retirement Planning Success
Develop a Workout Plan Retirement planning is full of uncertainties. The biggest question I get is, "Am I doing enough?" That's when you...
Testing First Blog Post
Welcome to the Be Fit Financially Blog! More posts to come!!!